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RDZ Academy meets the school.

Since our foundation, we have paid great attention to the transmission of skills and knowledge to the professional world. 
For some time now, we have also included students among the recipients of our training, with the aim of not only training but also establishing a long-term link with the school world.

Indeed, we firmly believe that the encounter between school and company represents an important opportunity for enrichment on both sides.
For the students, to experience the company and become more aware of how important the knowledge learnt at school and the development of soft skills are in the development of a profession.
For the companies, to find more easily the professional figures they are looking for and to make their social commitment concrete.

This is why, last 25 May, with great pleasure, we opened the doors of our Academy to about 20 young people from the plumbing course at the Assistedil Institute in Rovigo.

It was a pleasant moment of exchange and sharing in which we told them what we do, guiding the students to discover the spaces in which we work and in which our products take shape. 

Finally, we showed them, step by step, the correct installation procedure for a radiant system with a simulation of the installation of our Cover HP system. 

Their curiosity and resourcefulness really impressed us. We hope, for our part, that the passion we put into our work every day has aroused the same emotion in them.